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UFOs Reportedly Sighted at Notre Dame Stadium During Lightning Delay


Added > 9/6/2011  Views > 1286  Rating > 0

UFOs Reportedly Sighted at Notre Dame Stadium During Lightning Delay (Video)

A few people claim the massive heat waves, hurricanes, earthquakes, tropical storms and thunderstorms are proof of global warming. Others claim it's the first sign of the coming of Armageddon.

Of course, let's not overlook the obvious UFO explanation.

The good folks at UFO Sightings Daily (tagline: The Truth is Within Our Grasp) were drawn to the Notre Dame-South Florida college football game Saturday. Their interest stemmed from numerous recordings during the game's lightning delay that purportedly showed an unidentified flying object zipping through the clouds.

"The sports reporters began talking about the lightning, getting the cameraman too [sic] focus on it," writes Scott C. Waring, who created the website. "As they looked at the lightning, other objects (whitish) were flying about in the clouds. One of these objects was recorded going straight then suddenly made a sharp curve disappearing into the same cloud that a few seconds earlier shot lightning out.

"These three questions come to mind," according to the blog:

"1) Did the UFOs cause [the thunderstorm] by accident?"
"2) Did the UFOs cause it on purpose?"
"3) [Were] they just hiding in the clouds and had nothing to do with it?"

Now, I'm a firm believer that there is probably intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, and that just because I've never see an alien lifeform or spaceship doesn't mean they don't exist. But Waring seems to overlook a fourth possible question: Could the UFO (I can make out only one, not several) just be a camera glitch or something like that?

Check out the video below and judge for yourself.


Posted By squantzy
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