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Haunted New Hampshire


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Haunted New Hampshire
Last Updated: March 2025

17 Most Haunted Hotels & Places In New Hampshire You Can Visit
With New Hampshire history dating back to the 1600s, there’s bound to be stories of ghostly hauntings and tales of spooky sightings. But in many locations around the state, these stories and tales go beyond word of mouth – many paranormal experts have confirmed hauntings in quite a few hotels and places in various locations throughout the state. This post is all about the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire you can stay overnight in, as well as haunted places in New Hampshire you can actually visit.

Many of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire are places you can actually book an overnight stay in - if you dare!

Editor’s Note: All of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire mentioned in this post are open for business and welcoming guests. While the stories of their hauntings are often well-known, it’s best to be respectful during your stay with them, and not disrupt their day-to-day operations, or other guests’ experiences. The most haunted cemeteries mentioned in this post are also the resting place for family members and loved ones, so please be courteous and kind during your visit.

Haunted Hotels In New Hampshire: The White Mountains
To help make planning your spooky and haunted adventures a little easier, I’ve separated the most haunted hotels in the White Mountains region from the rest of the haunted hotels in New Hampshire. Below is a list of haunted hotels in the White Mountains you can actually stay in (if you dare!).

1. Omni Mount Washington Resort – Bretton Woods, NH
Probably the most famous of the haunted hotels in New Hampshire is the Omni Mount Washington Resort. Built as a summer resort in 1902 by wealthy industrialist Joseph Stickney, the resort is now a year-round luxury destination that’s been named one of the best resorts on the East Coast by Conde Nast Traveler. But its other accolades include being one of the top 25 most haunted historic hotels in the entire country.

The Omni Mount Washington Resort in the White Mountains of New Hampshire is regarded as one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire.

Omni Mount Washington Resort Room 314
The most haunted room at the Omni Mount Washington Resort is Room 314, which was the room that once belonged to the Stickneys, and eventually became known as the Caroline Stickney Suite because Caroline spent her summers in this room throughout her entire life. In 2015, a photographer noticed a woman in the window of this room while developing a group photo of the resort’s staff from outside. The woman was wearing a Victorian dress, and it’s since been speculated that it was the ghost of Caroline.

The Carolyn Stickney Suite at the Omni Mount Washington Hotel is the most haunted room at the entire resort. 

Guests who have stayed in the room during their stay at this haunted hotel in New Hampshire have reported smelling floral perfume, seeing Caroline at the foot of their bed brushing her hair and also sightings of her apparition floating around the third floor. While it’s never been truly confirmed, many have said that the bed in the room is the original bed used by Caroline herself.

Any stay at the resort has potential to be a spooky one, but if you’re looking for the most chills and goosebumps, call the hotel to request room 314 after making your reservation!

2. The Beal House Inn – Littleton, NH
Originally a farmhouse from the 1880’s, the Beal House Inn is now a beautiful New England-style bed & breakfast that’s also been long-thought to be one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire. Over the years, visitors have claimed to hear loud, male voices in the common room when no one was there, and one housekeeper reported feeling held in place by an unexplained force while cleaning.

The current owners of the inn think the ghosts are friendly, as they’ve yet to experience any ill-will from them, and have said they’ve likely stuck around because they love the inn so much. You can book a stay in the inn to find out for yourself!

3. The Notchland Inn – Hart’s Location
Another one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire is also also a cozy New England-style inn. The Notchland Inn provides welcoming stays for visitors, but also has a chilling past. Located in the smallest town in the state, the inn comes with spooky lore.

During the winter season of 1778, a woman named Nancy Barton attempted to chase down her fiance, who had stolen her dowry and fled. It’s said that she froze to death at the nearby brook after getting caught in a snowstorm. The brook, as well as the pond and mountain in the same area, where named after Nancy in her honor.

The land that the Notchland Inn stands on today is said to be where Nancy’s fiance set-up camp during his runaway journey. Visitors have claimed to hear shrieks and cries of laughter in the woods near the brook. Inside the inn, guests have reported seeing names appear on mirrors, written with steam even though no one had showered in the bathroom for hours. Another guest reported seeing the words “Happy Anniversary” written on the mirror in lipstick, with flowers magically appearing in the room, only for both to vanish in the blink of an eye.

4. Christmas Farm Inn & Spa – Jackson, NH
With a name like Christmas Farm Inn, you wouldn’t think that this is one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire, but there have been so many reports of haunted happenings on the hotel grounds, that the TV show Ghost Hunters even stopped by for an episode. Many of the buildings at the inn are original, and were built in the 1770’s.

Guests and visitors have claimed to see the ghost of Doris Welch, one of the innkeepers who ran the inn with her husband from 1946 to 1971. Doris passed away inside the inn, which has led to even more speculations of her hauntings. A chef who once worked at the inn claimed to have had a ghost pass through him while working. After seeing a photo of Doris months after the incident, he immediately identified her as the ghost.

In room 12, a housekeeper would regularly feel an unusual presence while making the bed. Others have claimed to hear children laughing in the Carriage House building. Paranormal experts have confirmed that there is a high level of activity at the inn, although, all of it has been friendly in nature.

Most Haunted Hotels In New Hampshire
Now that we’ve covered the White Mountains region, let’s take a look at the rest of the state. Here’s a list of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire outside of the White Mountains National Forest.

5. The Hotel Portsmouth – Portsmouth, NH
Portsmouth is a beautiful and historic coastal town to visit, and if you’re looking for an especially spooky experience, you’ll want to book a stay at the Hotel Portsmouth, and even more specifically, room 204. Formally the Sise Inn, which was built in the 1800s, the Hotel Portsmouth is one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire because of reports from guests and employees of unexplained happenings throughout the property.

Room 204 has had the most paranormal attention, with people claiming a spirit’s habit of locking and unlocking the door. Others have reported strange things happening with the ice machine, where piles of ice have been found in the hallway, or pieces of ice from the machine getting thrown (sometimes at guests). Guests have reported feeling a strong sensation of a presence in their rooms, or even a presence getting into bed with them. But you’ll have to book a stay to find out for yourself!

6. The Tilton Inn – Tilton, NH
One of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire is the Tilton Inn, formally called the 1875 Inn & Olive Branch Tavern. The hotel has so much history behind its doors, including famous guests like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, and has even burned down three times. Yes, three. Some of the victims of the fires have been said to still be wandering the halls of the hotel, and lingering in the rooms.

The most famous ghost at the hotel is Laura, a 12-year-old girl who was said to have died during one of the fires, and whose portrait can be found at the inn. She’s so famous, in fact, Ghost Hunters even came to see if they could confirm her presence, and they did. Guests have claimed to have awoken to her stroking their hair, opening and closing doors, and some have even said they’ve seen her racing to leave the room when they’ve entered.

Past owners of the inn have acknowledged her presence, and claim that she’s a very friendly ghost with a child-like spirit who’s just trying to have a little fun. She’s been known to greet guests at reception and even knock over a few glasses at the restaurant. Curious to meet Laura? You’ll have to book a stay at the inn and see if you can make a connection with her!

7. The Nutmeg Inn – Meredith, NH
A ghost that’s been named Charlie is the reason The Nutmeg Inn is one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire. The inn has an interesting past, and has had over 20 owners since its origins as a residential homestead in 1763. During its time, it was a stop on the Underground Railroad to help slaves flee to Canada, a boarding house, a working farm and was even once a Girl Scout meeting destination.

Now, The Nutmeg Inn welcomes visitors to stay in their cozy New England-style B&B, which also includes Charlie, a helpful and friendly spirit (and sometimes, mischievous) who many have acknowledged over the years. Charlie is said to sometimes hide items from guests and remove bath mats from tubs. Visitors and staff have also claimed to have found very cold spots throughout the house, and have even seen his apparitions in photos of the inn.

There are also stories of Charlie helping innkeepers out on problems they weren’t able to solve themselves. In one instance, innkeepers weren’t able to afford the installation electrical outlets in a room, and after boarding up the space for the winter, they reopened it the following spring to find the outlets installed. Their contractor confirmed he never did the job. Others believe that Charlie has also assisted with carpentry work around the inn, and also getting flowers to bloom when they were thought to be duds.

8. The Three Chimney’s Inn – Durham, NH
Built in 1649, the oldest building in Durham, and one of the oldest in the entire state, is also one of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire. The Three Chimney’s Inn, also listed on the National Register of Historic Places, has long-thought to be haunted by a woman named Hannah, the daughter of the original owner, Valentine Hill.

After Hannah’s marriage at 20 years of age, there is no record of her life. The legends say she drowned in the nearby Oyster River, and shortly after her drowning, the local townspeople began seeing her ghost by the river, or in the house.

Hannah is said to be a friendly ghost, and is even acknowledged by the innkeepers. Staff members of the hotel have reported seeing glasses floating in the air only to drop suddenly and break on the floor. Others have said that Hannah is especially fond of female visitors and has been known to stroke their hair. Often, hotel staff will notice things like flatware missing, only for it to suddenly reappear, and doors locking and unlocking themselves. A guest has even claimed to hear a woman whisper in her ear during her stay, despite the fact that no one else was near her at the time.

Hannah has also been known to enjoy playing with electronics, and things like printers continuing to print multiple pages after being turned off, and instances of flickering lights for no reason have been reported.

The inn now serves as an upscale getaway destination, serving amazing breakfasts and dinners, and even hosting weddings. It sounds like Hannah would approve!

Most Haunted Places In New Hampshire You Can Visit
While New Hampshire is home to many haunted hotels in the U.S., it also has quite a few haunted places you can actually visit and check out for yourself. Here’s a list of the most haunted places in New Hampshire that are likely to give you a few chills.

9. The Isles of Shoals/Star Island – Portsmouth, NH
One of the most haunted places in New Hampshire is the Isle of Shoals, a small grouping of islands off the New Hampshire coast, which also extends into Maine. There are actually numerous ghost stories that haunt this entire region, including stories of the infamous pirate Blackbeard, his hidden treasure, and the ghost of his wife. Many of these stories stem from the areas that reside in Maine, but one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire is Star Island, located in this area.

The Isle of Shoals is said to be one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire.

Inside the Oceanic Hotel on Star Island, staff members have reported hearing strange, unexplained noises on the top floor. Most say it sounds like moving furniture, even though no one is up there. Ghost Hunters even came to investigate the hotel and were able to record the sound of mysterious footsteps, voices responding to comments made by members of the show’s staff, and thermal imaging possibly showing an entity when a door closed on its own.

While technically located in Maine, Smuttynose Island, also located in the Isle of Shoals and very close to Portsmouth, NH, is said to be one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire. Two women were murdered on the island in the 1870s, and many claim to have heard and seen the ghosts of the these two women around the island.

10. The Windham Restaurant – Windham, NH
Originally a private home built in 1812, The Windham Restaurant is now said to be one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire. While it’s a well-loved, working restaurant serving up an eclectic mix of cuisine, it’s possible you could have an encounter with a spirit during your meal.

At the restaurant, guests have claimed to see full glasses of water move across the table and full place-settings completely disappear from the table. One unexplained instance involves two guests paying their bill in cash, and even after confirmation of the amount paid by each guest, the waitress was short $20 only a few moments later.

The spirits’ presence are acknowledged and welcomed by the restaurant staff, and consider them to simply be a part of the dining experience.

11. Kimball Castle – Gilford, NH
Built in the 1890s, the stories of paranormal sightings at Kimball Castle have made it one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire, and even caught the attention of Ghost Hunters. Staff members of the hotel have claimed to see full-body apparitions on the property, and many people working have claimed to hear a horse in the stables area when none were present.

12. Island Path Road – Hampton Beach, NH
One of the most haunted places in New Hampshire that’s free to visit is Island Path Road in Hampton Beach. Back in the 1600’s, a woman who lived at the end of the road, named Eunice Cole, was accused of witchcraft and shunned by the community. According to local lore, after her death, the townspeople who hated her buried her body with a stake through her heart. Her spirit is now said to haunt the road.

Some people has claimed to see a spirit-like figure that roams around the street at night. Others have reported floating objects and flickering street lights. But in order to know for sure, you’ll have to stop by and see for yourself!

13. Amos J. Blake House Museum – Fitzwilliam, NH
This museum has a long history of spooky happenings, and has been said to be one of the most haunted places in New Hampshire. Built in 1837 as a private residence, volunteers and visitors have claimed to have experienced strange things while in the museum.

A volunteer for the museum claimed to have seen a woman standing in the tavern, but she didn’t have any legs, was wearing clothing and a bonnet that wasn’t from this time, and then she simply disappeared. Others have said that the horse bells above a doorway ring, but they don’t move. They just make noise on their own. A visitor of the museum has even been said to have captured the spirit of a younger boy in a photo. And finally, even the ghost of a cat is said to roam through the museum!

The museum is open to the public for anyone brave enough to visit!

14. The James House – Hampton, NH
This colonial building built in 1723, now a museum that’s open to the public, is said to be one of the most haunted houses in New Hampshire. Those who live close to the museum have said to have spotted apparitions in the windows, and staff members have reported unusual, unexplained events.

A local paranormal investigative team even came to the museum to see what they could find. Their findings included recordings of a ball bouncing on the stairs, loud banging noises outside when no one else was around, and multiple cold spots throughout the house. They even recorded a woman’s laugh, which was a voice couldn’t be matched up to anyone inside the house at the time.

Tours of the museum are given May through October each year, if you dare!

Haunted Cemeteries In New Hampshire
While most cemeteries around the world are said to be haunted in some capacity, there are especially spooky happenings at these particular locations. Here’s a list of the most haunted cemeteries in New Hampshire you can actually visit to check out for yourself!

Some of the most haunted hotels in New Hampshire, and the most haunted cemeteries, are of the most haunted in the entire country.

15. Point of Graves Burial Ground – Portsmouth, NH
Point of Graves is one of the most haunted cemeteries in New Hampshire, as many local residents, visitors and paranormal experts have claimed to have apparition sightings and felt strong spirit presences here.

Dating back to the 1670s, many prominent people from the town’s history are buried here. But the reason many claim it’s especially haunted is because of one spirit in particular, Elizabeth Peirce. People visiting have claimed to hear footsteps following them while walking around. But most common is a strong presence while standing at her grave, which sits somewhat secluded and not surrounded by any other family. One paranormal investigator said she felt a little push on her back while standing at Peirce’s tombstone.

16. Pine Hill Cemetery – Hollis, NH
Another one of the most haunted cemeteries in New Hampshire is Pine Hill Cemetery, and this destination is also said to be one of the most haunted places in the entire state.

Buried at this cemetery is the Blood Family, and Pine Hill is now sometimes referred to as Blood Cemetery because the family is said to often haunt the grounds. Many have long-suspected that the family was murdered, although that is only town lore. However, many have also had very spooky experiences here.

At Abel Blood’s tombstone, you’ll find a hand with a finger pointing upward, Some say at night, the hand changes positions and points downward. Others have claimed to hear loud tapping noises coming from the Blood family’s tombstones. Some have experienced cold spots on very warm days right at the location where the Blood family is buried.

17. Vale End Cemetery – Wilton, NH
The ghost of the “blue lady” is what makes Vale End one of the most haunted cemeteries in New Hampshire. The tombstone of Mary Ritter Spaulding, the wife of a sea captain who was buried here in the early 1800s, is said to mysteriously glow with a blue light that comes from the ground, at random times at night. Some have also claimed to see her apparition wandering through the cemetery.
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